Effortless Syntax Highlighting With Astros Built-in Capabilities
Effortless Syntax Highlighting With Astros Built-in Capabilities

Effortless Syntax Highlighting With Astros Built-in Capabilities

Recently, I found myself digging through Contentful’s documentation, spending too much time setting up proper formatting like syntax highlighting for my personal website. The inconvenience of navigating documentation just to achieve simple tasks like displaying code blocks can be a pain point. Most of the time, third-party libraries are required, which are quicker to set up but not the ideal route. When you factor in styling and other considerations, it can get complicated. Maybe it’s a skill issue, but it would be preferable if functionality existed in frameworks natively.

This experience led me to make the decision to move away from Contentful and leverage Markdown files instead, taking advantage of Astro’s seamless integration with Shiki (a lightweight syntax highlighter). With just a few configurations, syntax highlighting is easily set up. This effortless experience allowed me to switch from my current CMS (Contentful) to pure Markdown files and Shiki in less than a day.

By leveraging Shiki and Prism, Astro provides out-of-the-box syntax highlighting for:

  • All code fences (```````) used in Markdown or MDX files.
  • Content within the built-in
<code />

component (powered by Shiki).

Content within the

<Prism />

component (powered by Prism).

While Shiki is not enabled by default, it can be easily configured with the shikiConfig object in your astro.config.mjs file. The compiled output will be limited to inline styles without any extraneous CSS classes, stylesheets, or client-side JavaScript.

Configuring Shiki

Shiki is Astro’s recommended syntax highlighter, and you can configure all its options via the shikiConfig object in your astro.config.mjs file:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';

export default defineConfig({
  markdown: {
    shikiConfig: {
      // Choose from Shiki's built-in themes (or add your own)
      // https://shiki.style/themes
      theme: 'dracula',

      // Alternatively, provide multiple themes
      // See note below for using dual light/dark themes
      experimentalThemes: {
        light: 'github-light',
        dark: 'github-dark',

      // Add custom languages
      // Note: Shiki has countless langs built-in, including .astro!
      // https://shiki.style/languages
      langs: [],

      // Enable word wrap to prevent horizontal scrolling
      wrap: true,

      // Add custom transformers: https://shiki.style/transformers
      // Find common transformers: https://shiki.style/packages/transformers
      transformers: [],

My Approach: Setup and Go

In my case, setting up syntax highlighting was as simple as configuring the shikiConfig object, creating Markdown pages, and voila! I had beautifully highlighted code snippets without any additional libraries or complex setup.

Customizing Shiki Themes

Astro code blocks are styled using the class:


By leveraging Astro’s built-in capabilities, I could effortlessly add syntax highlighting to my website, saving valuable time and effort. The seamless integration allowed me to focus on creating content rather than getting bogged down in complex configurations.

With Astro’s built-in support for Shiki and Prism, adding syntax highlighting to your website has never been easier. Explore the documentation, experiment with different themes, and elevate the visual appeal of your code snippets effortlessly.