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Galleria is a photo management platform designed to optimize and streamline the handling of digital assets. Built with a focus on performance and user experience, Galleria leverages advanced technologies to provide seamless media upload, storage, and retrieval capabilities. This project is ideal for photographers, designers, and content creators who need efficient and reliable media management solutions.

Tech Stack:

  • Next.js: Utilized for server-side rendering and creating seamless user experiences.
  • Tailwind CSS: Employed for highly customizable and responsive design.
  • Cloudinary Node.js SDK: Installed and configured to manage and optimize media assets efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Media Upload: Easy and fast media uploads with automatic optimization.
  • Storage Management: Efficient organization and retrieval of digital assets.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless experience across all devices.

Galleria demonstrates my ability to integrate powerful technologies and create user-centric applications that enhance productivity and streamline workflows. This project highlights my skills in Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Cloudinary, showcasing my capability to deliver high-performance, scalable solutions.